About Me

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Hello, I'm a wife, mother, and an entrepreneur. My family and I recently moved to Jersey City from Florida. I will share with you the lifestyles of the Robinson's from changing diapers, to cooking, to getting my business off the ground, and our adventures of exploring the northeast.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's the end of the month.....

And the time has really escaped from me since our trip to Florida! So, I'll catch you all up with pictures as far as what we've been up to in Florida and Jersey.

Daddy and B at the family reunion picnic

Play time at the picnic

Daddy took B for a swim

B enjoying his first mango

At New Jersey Children Museum

Shopping at the museum

On the computer

At the lake house in Toms River

We had a great time

Well, I have to get back to packing again. I've been packing since Sunday to ensure that I don't miss anything because I would hate to be in a different country trying to find something that I left stateside. We are leaving Friday morning for our week long trip to Jamaica.....and I am super excited!! This will be our last trip for the summer and we are making the best of it. 

I hope you all enjoy the remainder of your summer.

Take care!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life has taken over...

This past weekend and week has really gone by quick for me. We have been so busy that I haven't really had a chance to sit down and catch my breath until now. However, I am excited because tomorrow we are flying out to Florida for a (mini vacay) my hubby's family reunion. We'll be able to get a break from little man because his grandparent's are going to be happy to see him, which means we have babysitters on deck!

Speaking of little man we had a scare with him over the weekend. B was bitten by an insect on Saturday on his wrist and it caused an allergic reaction, which made his hand and arm swell up. I was so freaked out because his arm looked deformed. Thank you Lord that his pediatrician has several offices around the city because I despise ER'. The office that was opened on a Saturday was in Tribeca in NYC and we quickly rushed over and he was seen. The pediatrician said that it appeared that he was bitten by an spider and she gave us somethings to look out for and to follow-up on Monday to ensure that the swelling went down. One of the reasons why I am really tired is because I came home after B's appointment to search for the darn critter that bit him. I cleaned my house again, but this was a deep thorough cleaning to make sure that whatever insect bit him was taken out with a vengeance and it wouldn't return again.  Well, B is doing great today and the swelling has gone down a lot and where he was bit is healing really well. However, I am definitely on critter patrol!

Well, I guess I need to start trying to pack for our trip. I really dislike packing, but its for a good cause.....it's for my sanity. I NEED A BREAK!


P.S. Enjoy the remainder of your week and have a good weekend.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The fourth recap!

I hope everyone enjoyed their mid week fourth of July holiday!

We had a great day and the weather was cooperative....thank God! Our day started out with us sleeping in which was much needed for all of us. Once we woke up, we decided to go to the store to get a couple of items for our mini barbeque. So, we thought we had everything....but guess what?! Yes, we FORGOT to purchase a small grill. Anyways, I improvised because I refused to go back out to the grocery store and I baked the chicken and then coated it with BBQ sauce and let it broil a bit to give it some color. I made some side dishes to go along with the chicken. The hubby and child were very satisfied with the meal and they both had full tummies. After dinner we went joyriding around town and went to Liberty State Park to just stroll around. There were tons of people in site preparing to watch the fireworks show. The park is very beautiful, however, we decided to leave after a while because we wanted to get a better view of the fireworks show nearby our apartment and really didn't want to fight with traffic getting out of the park.

This was our first time viewing the NYC Macy's fourth of July fireworks show. It was held over the Hudson River and parts of NYC and New Jersey were able to view this show. Luckily, we live in Jersey City which is very close to Hudson and we walked down to the boardwalk and posted up until the show began around 9:20 pm. This was way past B's bedtime, but he hung in there for a while!

Below are some pics of how we enjoyed our time until the fireworks started:

Our view of the WTFC

Statue of Liberty at Liberty State Park

Daddy & B

I had to get a self portrait 
B is the ladies man

Caught  B jumping around 
B and another new friend

I need to watch him

Colgate clock

Alas, the show begins

At this point we had to leave because B wasn't haven't it and the pics below came out blurry 

We were so tired after the show that we all slept like babies! LOL!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Time for the fireworks!

This week our country will be celebrating fourth of July and I am happy that I will be able to enjoy all the festivities. After a week of being out of commission I am now feeling much better and ready to enjoy the fireworks that will be happening here in the City.

Last year my family and I celebrated the fourth in Florida and we cooked out and had a blast. This year is going to be a little different since it will only be us, but we are definitely going to have a good time. We have a balcony here at our apartment and the hubby is thinking of purchasing a small grill so he can barbeque. It think its a great idea because we can cook out and allow B to play around. However, I am hoping that the weather will cooperate; the forecast is showing a 50% chance of rain. Anywho, if does rain we will still make the best of it!

What are you all planning for the 4th?